You're amazing. Thank you for this. Thank you for showing up when you did/I can't believe you did. Thank you for the little shout. If you can get your hands on it, you gotta read Freda Epum's memoir when it's out in Jan. And thank you for Raquel. She and Jenna make that whole show. 🩶

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Good to hear from you again. 🖤

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What is the cost of the mask. So real. So good. So sorry. Keep writing 🤎

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I love you, friend.

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I love you too

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I felt this so hard. I’m very sorry for your loss. Thank you for your words 🙏🏽

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for sure a challenging year for many most all(?) of us. lots changing. i am grateful for your heartfelt share and that has inspired me to a tiny one here — some of which is included in my substack although with way more words there!

i wound up falling down with frequent faints. that became a weekend of ndes that became pacemaker surgery! oops. hadn't seen that coming.

the surgery took away all my money and so living month to month and finding myself with yoga and trust-falling into the universe keeping me buoyant alive happy and connected.

my wonderful and dedicated yoga client became super well with 10 weeks of honest effort, gentle movement, focus on breath and diet; she found her stomach had healed, liver pain cleared, sleep and the ability to walk returned, she lost 22 pounds and her skin and hair was rejuvenated. then in 6 weeks, without a diagnosis she became seriously ill and hospitalised and died without a proper diagnosis because it changed and proceeded so quickly. cause of death appears to be injection related turbo cancer of the liver that spread to her spine and brain.

my partner got angry and returned to japan after my recovery from surgery and hasn't responded to my query.

i discovered the joy of asking for financial help and the power of doing that, that which was the hardest thing i've ever done: asked my community to give me money without expectation, only with an open heart and by engaging with each of my extended community one on one with gratitude for their place in my life. i closed my ask with a prayer of apology to them for all the ways i've hurt them in my ignorance and/or egoistic/narcissistic tendencies. this was one of the most liberating spiritual and joy enriching experiences: taking responsibility for how i hurt others and openly fully heartfuly apologising for that.

with that i've experienced incredible joy, as i move with yoga and breath, shadow and mirror work, writing from the heart of experience and of wrestling with truth versus delusion and how my mind set creates my experience of life.

i had a good writing year and want to do more. and to grow my yoga centre in person and on line. complete my residency process as a refugee in mexico after being forced out of canada because of medical tyranny and threats of no access to health, travel, work and community.

it has been an amazing year! and it closed with a selfie with a beautiful french woman i met at a corner in this small artistic and spiritual mexican city and the mannequin of donald trump! how is such a thing possible? with all the ups and downs, sadness and grief, joys and laughter, always this intelligence of something we don't understand called life has a wicked sense of humour.

all the best with what is changing for this moment and for 2024-5. everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.


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