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Thank you for this Jet! Reading this helped me know a little more about Kwanzaa and has encouraged me to do more research and start celebrating it. I’m almost embarrassed that I haven’t been celebrating all these years 😩 while I will shamelessly celebrate Christmas, a holiday that I really don’t have much of a connection to.

I believe I’ve embodied self determination this year by continuing to push through things I have been working through, like anxiety, in order to live my best life and be my best self. As I reflect on this year, I have improved greatly and that makes me happy. I feel like overall I have actually lived more this year than the past few years and I am very grateful for that.

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Every year I inch closer to celebrating Kwanzaa, if not just for the pomp, circumstance, and pageantry. But, I've always been a lil embarrassed because I too experienced a 90s Kwanzaa at the expense of my mother's coworker who was Hotep adjacent and I remember how we all made fun of it afterwards and cuz I'm a big ole queen for so long I thought I had to join like a Kwanzaa church or something to participate, and just like your essay says social media has been what's making me rethink what my gay Kwanzaa could look like! Habari gani and happy new yearS!

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