I have only just begun reading Jet's posts starting with the April medical procedures. I had a sense something was happening to dim her light, but had not reached out adequately. I will have more to comment on later this evening as I will be under a hair dryer for a while soon and want to read more entries. I can only say now that the writing is powerfully self-expressive.

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I had no idea. 💓 and ugh!

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Brave, beautiful, and patient soul. I became an unofficial birth advocate after experiencing the best and worst in medical care from conception to delivery and the losses in between. Best to you on your journey and props for writing about it so beautifully.

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I'm pregnant and hate hospitals. Currently only see female OBGYN's and, honestly, the younger millenial ones have proved to be pretty woke. They don't do episiotomies, respect my birth plan, seem to give you time to labor vs declaring it "failure to progress" after their shift is over, and respect that I don't want cervical checks. This should be everybody though. Advocating for yourself is exhausting! Thanks for sharing!

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Thank you for sharing this JET. I recently went through this with my wife. I'll be going through it again this year, myself. This process has been replete with tiny, and tremendous, violences. Thank you for putting light on it, words to it, heart to it. I see you, and I'm sending big love.

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Thank you Nicole, had i know the extent of this process i would’ve likely made another choice. I’m happy it’s behind me. Thanks for the love. 🖤🖤

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I felt this. Love you Jet❣️

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Love you too ❤️

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oof. Your coat being pet, the presumed jealousy of your eggs, and the emails to your colleagues from bed really got me. Thinking of you and your partner during this journey <3

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Found your site thanks to Roxanne Gay retweeting it. So appreciative of your bravery in sharing the intimacies and traumas of your journey. I'm Rhea, and I'm happy you shared!

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I'm in tears and so grateful that you shared your experience.

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This is so crushing and so real and deserves all the eye rolls and all the serious consideration in equal measure. Beautiful and aw sh*t in equal measures too.

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“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” - Maya Angelou

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tiny violences, indeed

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No one explaining *how* it is more complicated.


Thank you for sharing 💛

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Wow, I love when I read your words I feel like I'm watching a movie with subtitles. I am also happy and praying for you and your partner as you continue on your journey toward motherhood!

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JET!! I felt the anesthesia experience so hard, they were so nonchalant and I was freaking. Whew. This whole letter is so generous, thanks for sharing ❤️

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I was so scared but was comforted by my favorite nurse who, she told me, scrubbed in when she saw i was in OR. Seeing her before i went into twilight was like seeing the face of an angel.

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